Unit 5 - Lesson 19 - Grade 5: Illustrative Mathematics

By Formative Library
Last updated 6 days ago
16 Questions
Note from the author:
Grade 5 Unit 5
Lesson 19: Use Properties to Multiply Decimals
CC BY 2021 Illustrative Mathematics
Grade 5 Unit 5
Lesson 19: Use Properties to Multiply Decimals
CC BY 2021 Illustrative Mathematics
Lesson: Use Properties to Multiply Decimals

Number Talk: Many Hundredths (Warm Up)

Find the value of each expression mentally.

Card Sort: Decimal Multiplication Card Sort

Your teacher will give you a set of cards that show multiplication expressions.
  1. Sort the cards into 2 categories of your choosing. Then, sort the cards into 2 categories in a different way. Be prepared to explain the meaning of your new categories. (Pause for teacher directions.)
  2. There are three expressions labeled A, B, and C. The value of each of the other expressions is equal to one of these. Match the expressions. Be prepared to explain your reasoning.

Choose one expression from each group to find the value of the expressions on cards A, B, and C.

Write at least one more expression that is equal to each of the expressions on cards A, B, and C.

Choose a Strategy

Find the value of the expression. Explain or show your reasoning.

Find the value of the expression. Explain or show your reasoning.

Find the value of the expression. Explain or show your reasoning.

Find the value of the expression. Explain or show your reasoning.

More Multiplication Problems (Optional)

Find the value of the expression.

Find the value of the expression.

Find the value of the expression.

Find the value of the expression.

Cool Down: Interpret Expressions

Select all the expressions that are equivalent to 15 x 0.19.

Choose one expression to find the value of 15 x 0.19.