Unit 8 - Lesson 15 - Grade 5: Illustrative Mathematics

By Formative Library
Last updated 6 days ago
4 Questions
Note from the author:
Grade 5 Unit 8
Lesson 15: Estimation Exploration
CC BY 2021 Illustrative Mathematics®
Grade 5 Unit 8
Lesson 15: Estimation Exploration
CC BY 2021 Illustrative Mathematics®
Lesson: Estimation Exploration

Estimation Exploration: Umbrellas (Warm Up)

How many umbrellas are there?

Record an estimate that is:

Design Your Estimation Exploration

Find an image that would encourage your classmates to estimate the total number of an item using strategies for multi-digit multiplication.

Fill in the possible estimates students might make.

Record an estimate that is:

Facilitate Your Estimation Exploration

  1. Display your image for your classmates.
  2. Ask them, “What is an estimate that’s too high?” “Too low?” “About right?”
  3. Give them a minute of quiet think time.
  4. Give them a minute to discuss together.
  5. Have them share estimates.
  6. Record their ideas.

Record your classmates' ideas.

Cool Down: Reflection

In math class, it’s important to listen to other people’s ideas. During class today, what is something you learned by listening carefully to someone?