Unit 8 - Lesson 18 - Grade 5: Illustrative Mathematics

By Formative Library
Last updated 16 days ago
7 Questions
Note from the author:
Grade 5 Unit 8
Lesson 18: Which One Doesn’t Belong?
CC BY 2021 Illustrative Mathematics®
Grade 5 Unit 8
Lesson 18: Which One Doesn’t Belong?
CC BY 2021 Illustrative Mathematics®
Lesson: Which One Doesn’t Belong?

Which One Doesn’t Belong? Volume (Warm Up)

Which one doesn’t belong?

Which One Doesn't Belong? Design 1

  1. Choose 3 shapes from the set of cards.
  2. Draw a fourth shape to complete the Which One Doesn’t Belong.
  3. For each shape, discuss one reason why it does not belong.

Draw your fourth shape.

For each shape, discuss one reason why it does not belong.

Which One Doesn't Belong? Design 2

  1. Choose 2 shapes from the set of cards.
  2. Draw a third and fourth shape to complete the Which One Doesn’t Belong.
  3. For each shape, discuss one reason why it does not belong.

Draw your third and fourth shapes.

For each shape, discuss one reason why it does not belong.

Which One Doesn't Belong? Design 3

Create your own Which One Doesn’t Belong about any mathematical idea you want others to notice.

Cool Down: Reflection

As mathematicians, it is important to justify our thinking and listen to the reasoning of others. Describe a time when you learned something new or thought differently about something based on what someone else in the class said today.