O- Sea Turtle Population in Danger? 2023

By Melanie Kline
Last updated about 1 year ago
18 Questions
Part 1 Evaluating Designs

Your task: Evaluate and select the best possible design for a sea turtle egg incubator (a device that keeps objects warm) that can be used when the sea turtle eggs are moved to a more-permanent location.


Design Testing Matrix
Fill in the optimal row based on the criteria and constraints from the article.
Fill in the incubator information for A and B as you read about them.

Use this information to fill in the incubator A information on the design testing matrix.

After you complete the design testing matrix for Incubator A, consider how the features of Incubator A compare to the optimal solution based on criteria and constraints. Use only Incubator A and the optimal solution row to answer the following questions.


Does the design of incubator A meet our optimal solution design goal for egg rotation? Give EVIDENCE to support your answer.


Does the design of incubator A meet our optimal solution design goal for temperature of the incubator? Give EVIDENCE to support your answer.


Does the design of incubator A meet our optimal solution design goal for the power source? Give EVIDENCE to support your answer.


Does the design of incubator A meet our optimal solution design goal for humidity? Give EVIDENCE to support your answer.


Does the design of incubator A meet our optimal solution design goal for length of time temperature is maintained? Give EVIDENCE to support your answer.


Does the design of incubator A meet our optimal solution design goal for location of heat source? Give EVIDENCE to support your answer.

After you complete the design testing matrix for Incubator B, consider how the features of Incubator B compare to the optimal solution based on criteria and constraints. Use only Incubator B and the optimal solution row to answer the following questions.

Use this information to fill in the Incubator B information on the design testing matrix.


Does the design of incubator B meet our optimal solution design goal for egg rotation? Give EVIDENCE to support your answer.


Does the design of incubator B meet our optimal solution design goal for temperature of the incubator? Give EVIDENCE to support your answer.


Does the design of incubator B meet our optimal solution design goal for the power source? Give EVIDENCE to support your answer.


Does the design of incubator B meet our optimal solution design goal for humidity? Give EVIDENCE to support your answer.


Does the design of incubator B meet our optimal solution design goal for length of time temperature is maintained? Give EVIDENCE to support your answer.


Does the design of incubator B meet our optimal solution design goal for location of heat source? Give EVIDENCE to support your answer.

Part 2
A closer look at the science behind Incubator B

Was the chemical reaction in Incubator B an endothermic or exothermic reaction? Give evidence to support your answer.


“How does the heat pack in Incubator B keep the turtle eggs warm?”
A. Fill in the temperature in 0C. (1 point)
B. Add red arrows to show the all the ways heat energy transfers from the chemical reaction into the surroundings. (2 point)


Select the option that accurately represents the correct chemical formula for the chemical reaction in Incubator B.


What temperature is needed in order to ensure the hatching of mostly male sea turtles?


If you wanted to improve Incubator B to produce mostly males hatching, how would you change it?
A. Temperature it should be. (1 point)
B. Circle the amount of reactants for best results. (1 point)
c. Write / draw a short explanation about how this change will affect the system. (2 points)