Unit 5 - Lesson 13 - Grade 3: Illustrative Mathematics

By Formative Library
Last updated 6 days ago
16 Questions
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Grade 3 Unit 5
Lesson 13: Whole Numbers and Fractions
CC BY 2021 Illustrative Mathematics®
Grade 3 Unit 5
Lesson 13: Whole Numbers and Fractions
CC BY 2021 Illustrative Mathematics®
Lesson: Whole Numbers and Fractions

Notice and Wonder: Four Number Lines (Warm Up)

What do you notice?

What do you wonder?

Hidden Whole Numbers

On the number line, circle the fractions that are equivalent to whole numbers. Explain how you know.

On the number line, circle the fractions that are equivalent to whole numbers. Explain how you know.

On the number line, circle the fractions that are equivalent to whole numbers. Explain how you know.

We can write
to show that the fraction and the whole number are at the same location on the number line, so they are equivalent.

Write 5 other equations that show fractions that are equivalent to whole numbers. Use the number lines if they are helpful.

Decide if the fraction is equivalent to a whole number. Use number lines if they are helpful.

Decide if the fraction is equivalent to a whole number. Use number lines if they are helpful.

Decide if the fraction is equivalent to a whole number. Use number lines if they are helpful.

Decide if the fraction is equivalent to a whole number. Use number lines if they are helpful.

Decide if the fraction is equivalent to a whole number. Use number lines if they are helpful.

Decide if the fraction is equivalent to a whole number. Use number lines if they are helpful.

Write Them as Fractions

Work with your group to complete the table. In each column, write fractions that are equivalent to the whole number in the top row.

  • Step 1: Write two fractions that are equivalent to each whole number (six fractions in all). Pass your computer to your right.
  • Step 2: When you receive your neighbor’s computer, write a new fraction that is equivalent to a whole number.
  • Repeat Step 2 until the table is complete.
Cool Down: Fraction to Whole Number and Whole Number to Fraction

Is this fraction a whole number?

Explain or show your reasoning.

Write 2 as a fraction.

Explain or show your reasoning.