Practice: SUVAT Equations

By Theresa Joseph
Last updated over 1 year ago
8 Questions
Pick the correct SUVAT Equation and change the subject of the equation to facilitate finding what is asked in the question.






A ball is projected vertically upwards with a speed of 20 m s-1 from a point h metres above the ground. The ball hits the ground 5 s later. Find
(a) the value of h,
(b) the speed of the ball as it hits the ground.


A car passes point A with a speed of 20 km/h. The car accelerates at a constant rate and 10 seconds later it passes point B with a speed of 70 km/h. Find
(a) the acceleration of the car in ms-1,
(b) the distance AB.


A stone is dropped from a point 120 m from the ground. Find
(a) the time it takes for the stone to reach the ground,
(b) the speed at which the stone hits the ground.