5.2 Skin Tone Representation in Magazines
By Nicholas Bruns
Last updated over 1 year ago
32 Questions
In the project we will survey magazines and study the representation of people with different skin tones in articles and advertisements.
Recall the message of the video from last class:
Research Question
Let's begin with defining our research question. We want to look at the representation of people with different skin tones in magazine articles and advertisements.
Make a Plan: Describe Data Collection Method
- To determine a way to collect and store images as a group from a selected online magazine.
- To create a database, collect and store these images.
Your goal is to collect images from an online magazine. You will use these images in your analysis of skin tone representation.
Working with a team of at most four people, start by choosing a magazine from the ones in the library linked below.
Magazine Library
Once you have selected a magazine, you will take screenshots of the people in them in order to get a sense of which skin tones are represented and which are not.
- You will be comparing skin tone representation in advertisements vs articles. So it is important to save images in two different folders, eg, one called 'GQ_ads' and one called 'GQ_articles'.
Before digging into the data collection, answer the questions on the right...
Collect Your Data
Decide on a divide and conquer method and aim to collect as many screenshots as possible.
Data Collection 2: Categorize Skin Tones from your Screenshots
For our screenshots from the previous class, we need to categorize them to record the frequency of each skin tone. One simple way we can do this is to use a Frequency Table.
Remember: We will keep advertisements and articles separate!
You can use this example as an idea of how to record your results:
Using Frequency Tables:
Modeling And Analyzing Categorical Data with Two-Way Tables
Now you will turn the images you saved into categorical data modeled using two-way tables comparing skin tone categories to the images from ads or articles. One table will include image counts and the other percentages of skin tone representation in magazines.
Model skin tone representation data
Start by creating a two-way table representing the number of images in a skin tone and if the image is from an advertisement or article. If working in a team, make agreements about the category of the image before recording the count in the table.
Create a two-way table representing the percentage of images in a skin tone from advertisements or articles. Consider applying formulas in sheets to the count two-way table to calculate the percentage in each cell of the percentage two-way table.
Numerical Analysis
Our next step is to do a new kind of analysis where we represent colors with numbers. This will allow us to do a much more complex analysis.
Representing Colors with Numbers
Computers represent colors as a combination of values for red, blue and green light light (not paint). with a value between 0 and 255 for each color.
Note: with the light model of color mixing, higher values are brighter, with white being (255, 255, 255) and black being (0, 0, 0).
Here's a video explanation:
Furthermore, when computers store this combination, they combine them into one big number and use base 16 or Hexadecimal where A = 10, B=11 C = 12 ... F = 15.
This makes our color codes something like this:
Here's a video explanation:
Clean the Numerical Data
We ultimately want 3 columns of values for each person: Red, Green, Blue. If you have a hex value, you can extract each color value and translate it from hex (00 - FF) to decimal (0 - 255).
Here's a detailed explanation:
Day 4 - Graphing in 3D with Python
We can graph points with 3 values on a 3D scatterplot.
In this example python code , they generate random points and put them into a 3D plot. You can copy and paste the code into replit.com project to make it work. Then import your data from your clean RGB values from your spreadsheet and plot those on a 3D graph