Chapter 11 Part 1 - The Rise of Islam

By Justin Bergh
Last updated over 1 year ago
30 Questions
Note from the author:
Created by Mr. Bergh of San Bernardino City Unified School District at Shandin Hills Middle School.
The following resources were utlilized in the creation of this Formative for educational/classroom use:
“Chapter 11: Rise of Islam.” In EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO ACE WORLD HISTORY IN ONE BIG FATE NOTEBOOK. Workman Publishing Co., Inc., 2016.
& various other online educational materials.
Learning Intention:
I am learning about the rise and spread of Islam.
Success Criteria:
I can identify the physical features and describe the climate of the Arabian peninsula, its relationship to surrounding bodies of land and water, and nomadic and sedentary ways of life.
I can trace the origins of Islam and the life and teachings of Muhammad, including Islamic teachings on the connection with Judaism and Christianity.
I can explain the significance of the Qur’an and the Sunnah as the primary sources of Islamic beliefs, practice, and law, and their influence in Muslims’ daily life
I can discuss the expansion of Muslim rule through military conquests and treaties, emphasizing the cultural blending within Muslim civilization and the spread and acceptance of Islam and the Arabic language.
I can describe the growth of cities and the establishment of trade routes among Asia, Africa, and Europe, the products and inventions that traveled along these routes (e.g., spices, textiles, paper, steel, new crops), and the role of merchants in Arab society.
I understand the intellectual exchanges among Muslim scholars of Eurasia and Africa and the contributions Muslim scholars made to later civilizations in the areas of science, geography, mathematics, philosophy, medicine, art, and literature.
Mr. Bergh will give you a 4 Worlds sheet.
You will need this paper before starting the new chapter.
The title is "Rise of Islam".
Write your name and period as well. Date optional.
If you run out of space as for another 4 Worlds Sheet.
Rubric (How you will be graded for the 4 Worlds.)
4 - I filled all 4 boxes with relevant notes, drawings, vocabulary, big ideas, and connected them together.
3 - I filled the equivalent of 3 boxes.
2 - I filled the equivalent of 2 boxes.
1 - I filled the equivalent of a box.
0 - I did not fill any boxes.

Jews, Christians, and Muslims all believe in only the one true God of Abraham.


Christians and Muslims believe in Jesus as a prophet but only Christians consider Jesus the son of God.


Jews, Christians, and Muslims all follow the New Testament.


Match the holy book to it's religion.

Quran or Koran
The 5 Pillars of Islam are, Shahada, Salah, Zakat, Sawm, and Hajj.
Step 1. Open SBLINK. Find the Canva application. Click that button.
Step 2. If SBLINK doesn't automatically log you in, sign up with your school Google account/Gmail.
Step 3. Click this link to open the 5 Pillars Template.
Step 4. To add pictures without backgrounds add "frames" to your project. Then drag and drop pictures onto the frame.
Use the example images above and the reading page to the left.
You may also use this website:
Press the keys on your computer CTRL + F.
Type in "pillar" to find the Five Pillars of Islam on that website.

Create five pillars of Islam using the Canva application!
Must include each pillars name in Arabic, what it means in English, why its important to fulfill the pillar, how to fulfill the pillar, colorful details, and pictures!
Optionally: You may complete this mini-project on paper instead! Ask Mr. Bergh to print you a sheet.

Rubric (How you will be scored for our project.)
4 - I have included each pillars name in Arabic, what it means in English, why its important to fulfill the pillar, how to fulfill the pillar, colorful details, and pictures.
3 - I completed 4 out of the 5 pillars.
2 - I completed 3 out of the 5 pillars.
1 - I completed 2 or 1 out of the 5 pillars.
0 - I did not attempt to fill in my own 5 Pillars of Islam project.

Today the schism of Islam between the Shiites and the Sunnis is most noticeable when comparing the two rival states, the Sunni monarchy of Saudi Arabia and the Shia theocracy of Iran.
For normal Muslims the differences are so small nobody cares.
For the priests in positions of power the differences are used to gain power and turn people against each other.
Below separate the flags, maps, and descriptions into Sunni and Shia categories

Flag of Iran
Flag of Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia
Follows the descendants of Muhammed.
Follows any religious men and scholars.
Represents 85% of all Muslims.
Represents 10% - 15% of all Muslims.

Islam spread fast as merchants and kings converted.
Check off every part of the world Islam spread to by 850.

We will complete this activity in groups with whiteboards.
Hold up your whiteboard with either Social or Economic written on it to earn PBIS points!

In groups of two, whoever is sitting on the right desk is student A, left desk is student B.

30 seconds state to your partner if you think the scenario is social or economic and why.

Do not debate. Listen to what the other person thinks. Then you state what you think and why.

Then 1 minute to hash out your differences and write social or economic on the whiteboard.

P.S. I made most of these images with Canva AI Text to Image.

Why might you change your religion?
In the case of early Islam there were two main social factors.
Social Pressure from government and society.
Economic Pressure from your job or needing to have something.
Separate the reasons you might convert to Islam below.

Social Pressure
Economic Pressure
The new king is a Muslim. He declares Islam the official religion.
There is a special tax on non-Muslims. You have to give a male child to join the army or pay twice as much tax.
You're a Jew or Christian that already believes in God. Your neighbors convert to Islam. They ask you to convert.
You buy salt from traders. One day they stop selling to you. They say they don't trade with non-Muslims. You need that salt or your business will end.
You live in a desert and the local water supplier refuses to sell you water unless you profess faith to the one true God and accept Muhammed as his messenger.
Everyone who sells spices, paper, and clothes speaks Arabic. You want to buy these things but don't speak Arabic. There is a mosque that will teach you Arabic for free if you convert to Islam.
All of the schools only teach in Arabic. You hear the schools invent amazing Science, Math, and Medicine that saves lives! The school will teach you Arabic but their textbook is the Qur'an (Koran).
If the above map isn't loading properly, click to open this link in a separate tab:
Some classes will answer the following questions for PBIS points.
1. Find and write down a country with 90% or the majority who practice [religion name].
2. Identify the majority religion in a given continent.
3. What places on the map are majority Islam today that weren't majority Islam in 850AD?

Click the MENU button in the top right and select a difference religion to focus on. Using this map match each religion to a country that has the highest percentage of it's people believe that religion. (There may be more then one correct answer on the map.)

Cambodia, Thailand
Indigenous (A religion(s) that only exist in one place.)
Romania, Greenland, Papua New Guinea,
Nepal, India
Somalia, Iran, Afghanistan, Tunisia, Morocco, Mauritania, & more!
North Korea, South Korea, China, Japan, Czech Republic
Vietnam, Taiwan

Today Islam is the second largest religion in the world behind Christianity.
Compare this map to the last map. What other places has Islam spread to and become the main religion?


In Arabic there is a word called "Ummah". It literally translates to the word community, but also includes everyone who believes in Islam. According to these maps, is there a Islamic World Community or Ummah?

Check your 4 Worlds Sheet to make sure you have the answers to each of these questions! Number the parts of your 4 Worlds with the answers. If you don't have the answers to these questions start looking for them and add them to your 4 Worlds Sheet. Then after some minutes you will be buddied up with ONE student. Share your answers to make each others answers better!