China Inventions One-Pager Project

By Justin Bergh
Last updated over 1 year ago
1 Question
Note from the author:
To be given after classwork.
A claim is a statement of belief. It can be true or false.
Pick one of the following claims to prove, disprove, OR make your own!
Claim 1 – [Invention Name] is the most important Chinese invention.
Claim 2 – [Invention Name] helped to change the world.
Claim 3 – [Invention Name] started in China and eventually spread to Europe across the Silk Road.
Open the link below.
Skim read (fast read) through the document only reading the titles, names of inventions.
Then pick an invention to make your project on. Read the article on that invention.
Find facts and quotes about your invention from the article.
If you get anything NOT from the article given to you, you must include the website link to where you go it. (Otherwise it's plagiarism! Cheating!)
Step 1. Open SBLINK. Find the Canva application. Click that button.
Step 2. If SBLINK doesn't automatically log you in, sign up with your school Google account/Gmail.
Step 3. · Create a new Graphic, with any graphic size or style of your choice. Click the + icon on the top left to do so. For my example I use the ‘collage’ style.
Step 4. View One Pager Rubric below and prove your chosen claim.

Use Canva to create a post or draw on a blank paper.
Read through and use the ‘Chinese Inventions Project Reading’ to pick your invention.
☐ Create a central focus around one invention.
☐ Use facts or quotes from the reading.
☐ Include your name and period somewhere in the post.
☐ Title the One Pager appropriately to reflect the content.
☐ Use plenty of colors, photos, and shapes in your one pager.
☐ Fill the entire page [No lazy white spots!].
Rubric (How you will be graded.)
4 - Created a one pager proving/disproving a claim, used facts, used quotes, titled appropriately, and has plenty of colors, photos, and shapes.
3 - Created a one pager with at least four of the required elements.
2 - Created a one pager with at least two of the required elements.
1 - Created a one pager with at least one of the required elements.
0 - I did not attempt to create a one pager on Chinese inventions.