7th 1.1 Vocab

By LaDonna Aldrich-Means
Last updated over 1 year ago
11 Questions

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air pressure: the _______ that air puts on an area

The air molecules are more spread out as one goes higher. So, air pressure _______ with height.

Storms usually occur when the air pressure over an area is very _______ .

Air pressure at the peak of a mountain is much _______ than what it is at sea level.
conduction: the transfer of heat energy within an object, or between objects that are directly touching each other, due to _______ between the particles in the objects

In a solid, heat is conducted as the _______ gradually spread to the right.

Heat energy can be transferred in several ways. Radiation is the transfer of energy via _______. Conduction is the transfer of molecular heat energy via _______. Convection is the transfer of heat via the _______ .
gas: a state of matter without any defined _______

Plants use carbon dioxide gas and water to make food for themselves in the presence of sunlight. This process is known as _______ .

Nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide are the main gases that make Earth's _______ .

Unlike a solid or liquid , the molecules of a gas are not packed close together. They move about _______ in all directions.

_______ is a gas that is less dense than air under normal conditions. That is why balloons filled with it float up in the air.
kinetic energy: the energy an object has because of its _______

When water is _______ , it has kinetic energy. This energy is used to generate electricity in hydroelectric power plants.

When a roller coaster is at highest position on the slope, it has stored potential energy. As it begins to move down the slope, this stored energy is converted to _______ energy.
liquid: a state of matter with a defined _______ but no defined _______ and whose molecules roll past each other

These three illustrations represent _______ views of the differences between a solid, a liquid, and a gas.

Liquids, as well as _______, are often characterized as fluids. Fluids are materials that _______ under the action of an applied force.
matter: material that has _______ and takes up some amount of _______

_______ of matter.
mixture: a combination of substances that can be _______ from one another

_______ is a mixture of crystals of quartz, feldspar, and mica.

The ocean is a mixture of salt and many other _______ in water.
pure substance: a material with a particular _______

_______ is the hardest substance on Earth.

Matter can be categorized as mixtures and pure substances. Pure substances could be _______ or _______ . They can be obtained when the components of a mixture are separated by _______ methods.
solid: matter with a _______ volume and shape

Alphabet blocks are solids because they have a definite _______ shape and a fixed volume.

A crayon is a solid. The _______ that make the crayon are very close to each other.
temperature: a measure of the average _______ of the atoms in a system, used to express _______ in degrees

Lord Kelvin (William Thomson), the physicist who first identified absolute zero, devised a temperature scale that begins at _______ . The Kelvin temperature scale is widely used in the physical sciences. This diagram compares the Celsius temperature
thermal energy: energy in the form of _______

Heat is the _______ of energy from a hot object to a cooler one. When you feel that heat, in a cup of hot chocolate or the warmth of sunlight, you are actually feeling _______ .