String Work Sheet

By Mickey Arnold
Last updated 10 months ago
44 Questions
DIRECTIONS : Fill in each blank with the correct answer/output. Assume each statement happens in order and that one statement may affect the next statement.

String one = "sambenwilearethebest";
String two = "09876543210";
String three = "02 13 97 68 45 0";

System.out.print( one.length());

System.out.print( two.length());

System.out.print( three.length());

System.out.print( one.charAt( 2 ) );

System.out.print( one.charAt( 5 ));


System.out.print( one.charAt( 6 ) );

System.out.print( one.substring(0,4) );

System.out.print( one.substring(5) );

System.out.print( one.substring(9) );

System.out.print( one.substring(2,7));

System.out.print( one.indexOf("abc") );

System.out.print( one.indexOf("e") );

System.out.print( one.indexOf("hij") );

System.out.print( two.indexOf("54"));

System.out.print( two.indexOf("24"));

System.out.print( one.indexOf( 'w' ));

System.out.print( two.indexOf( 'b' ));

System.out.print( two.indexOf( 's' ));

System.out.print( three.indexOf("45"));

DIRECTIONS : Fill in each blank with the correct answer/output. Assume each statement happens in order and that one statement may affect the next statement.
String sam = "hey there";
String ben = "hey thar";

out.println( sam.indexOf('h') );

out.println( sam.indexOf('7') );

out.println( ben.indexOf('a') );

out.println( ben.indexOf( 'y' ));

out.println( sam.indexOf("ey") );

out.println( ben.indexOf("ar") );

out.println( sam.charAt(3) );

out.println( sam.charAt(0) );

out.println( sam.substring(3,6) );

out.println( sam.substring(0,4) );

out.println( sam.equals(ben) );

out.println( sam.compareTo(ben) );

out.println( ben.compareTo(sam) );

out.println( ben.compareTo("abc") );

out.println( ben.replaceAll("e","#") );

out.println( ben.replaceAll("#","*") );

out.println( ben.length() );

out.println( sam.length() );

out.println( sam.charAt(20) );

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