CBA - Elementary

By Matt Wheeland
Last updated about 1 year ago
4 Questions
This is the rubric I will be using to grade your CBA.

What is the Compelling Question?

In response to the Compelling Question, what is your thesis?

Note: Using the rubric, circle how you think you did: 1, 2, 3, 4.

Primary Sources - Supporting Evidence and Reasoning:

Part 1: Provide links / files to the primary sources you are using.
Part 2: Summarize how this evidence proves your thesis to be true.

Note: Using the rubric, circle how you think you did: 1, 2, 3, 4.

Secondary Sources - Supporting Evidence and Reasoning:

Part 1: Provide links / files to the secondary sources you are using.
Part 2: Summarize how this evidence proves your thesis to be true.

Note: Using the rubric, circle how you think you did: 1, 2, 3, 4.