Merge Sort Work Sheet

By Mickey Arnold
Last updated 10 months ago
8 Questions

Complete the following method linearSearch which should return the location of findVal in the array list. If findVal does not exist, linearSearch will return -1.
int linearSearch( double[] list, double findVal ) {
//Code goes here.

2. Complete the following method numOccurences which should return the # of occurrences of findVal in list. If findVal = 7 and 7 occurs 10 times in the array list, then the method should return 10.
int numOccurrences( double[] list, double findVal){
//Code goes here.

public void sort1( Comparable[] list )
int i, j, min;
for( i=0; i<list.length-1; i++)
min = i;
for(j=i+1; j<list.length; j++)
if(list[min].compareTo(list[j]) > 0)
min = j;
if( min != i)
Comparable temp = list[min];
list[min] = list[i];
list[i] = temp;

Integer[] list = {3,15,61,11,7,9,2};

Show the contents of list after 4 passes of sort1.

public void sort2(Comparable[] list )
for (int i=1; i< list.length; ++i)
int bot=0, top=i-1;
while (bot<=top)
int mid=(bot+top)/2;
if (list[mid].compareTo(list[i])<0)
else top=mid-1;
Comparable temp=list[i];
for (int j=i; j>bot; --j)

Integer[] list = {3,15,61,11,7,9,2};

Show the contents of list after 5 passes of sort2.

Complete the following method binarySearch. Fill in each blank below.
int binarySearch(int [] stuff, int val )
int bot= 0, top = stuff.length-1;
int middle = __________________________
if (stuff[middle] == val) return middle;
if (stuff[middle] > val)
top = _____________________
bot = _____________________
return -1;
Write the binarySearch using recursion. public static int binarySearch(int[] stuff, int item, int bot, int top)
//Code goes here.

middle = __________________________

top = ____________________________

bot = __________________________

// Code goes here.