Character Counts: Six Pillars of Character

By Amber Dodd
Last updated 3 months ago
29 Questions
Note from the author:
Six Pillars of Character

What are some words and images that come to mind when you hear trustworthiness?

Write, draw, and/or insert the words and images on the blank page.


Name one action that demonstrates trustworthiness.

Possible Frames:
  • One thing that demonstrates trustworthiness is _____.
  • ____ is a thing that demonstrates trustworthiness.


The People We Trust: Think about the top 5 people you trust and write them here:


Give a short explanation for why you trust one of the people on your list. What have they done to earn your trust? Be as specific as possible.

Possible Frames:
  • I trust ____ because _____.
  • One reason I trust ____ is due to _____.
  • ____ is a reason that I trust ____.


Think about your actions and words this week towards your family, friends, teachers, and classmates. How trustwothy have you been?


Why did you choose that answer?

Possible Frames:
  • I chose that answer because ______.
  • ______ is a reason why I chose that answer.


What is the Golden Rule?


Which of the following is a way to show respect?


Why is it important to treat others with respect?

Possible Frames:
  • It is important to treat each other with respect because _____.
  • ___is an important reason to treat each other with respect.

the act of showing regard for others
polite behavior, a polite gesture or remark, willingness or generosity in providing something needed
behavior that conforms to accepted standards of morality and respectability

Look at the left slide: Why would we avoid these when following civility, courtesy, and decency?

Possible Frames:
  • We would avoid these because_______.
  • ____ is a reason that we should avoid these points.


What is dignity?

Possible Frames:
  • Dignity is _____.
  • Dignity can be defined as ____.


What are the key components of autonomy?


How does tolerance and acceptance show respect?

Possible Frames:
  • Tolerance and acceptance shows respect by _____.
  • _____ is a way that tolerance and acceptance shows respect.


What does being responsible mean?

Possible Frames:
  • Being responsible means _____.
  • ____ is an example of being responsible.
  • _____ is the definition of being responsible.

Responsibility and choice are intricately connected in life, shaping our actions, decisions, and ultimately, our outcomes. Here's how they relate:
  1. Responsibility Guides Choices: Responsibility involves recognizing the consequences of our actions and decisions. When we understand that our choices have an impact on ourselves and others, we tend to make decisions more thoughtfully. Responsibility encourages us to consider the potential outcomes of various options before making a choice.
  2. Choices Define Responsibility: Every choice we make comes with a level of responsibility attached to it. Whether it's choosing a career path, forming relationships, or deciding how to spend our time and resources, each decision carries a responsibility for its consequences. Understanding this connection helps us to make more informed and accountable choices.
  3. Agency and Accountability: Choice implies agency—the ability to make decisions based on personal preferences, values, and circumstances. With agency comes accountability—the recognition that we are accountable for the results of our choices. Taking responsibility for our choices means acknowledging both the autonomy and the consequences inherent in decision-making.
  4. Freedom and Constraints: While choice offers freedom, responsibility introduces constraints. We are free to make choices, but we are also bound by the responsibility to consider the impact of those choices on ourselves and others. This dynamic interplay between freedom and responsibility shapes our moral and ethical framework.
  5. Learning and Growth: Embracing responsibility for our choices fosters personal growth and development. When we take ownership of our decisions, we learn from both successes and failures, leading to greater self-awareness and resilience. Each choice becomes an opportunity for learning and improvement.
  6. Impact on Others: Our choices not only affect ourselves but also have ripple effects on those around us. Recognizing this interconnectedness emphasizes the importance of considering the well-being of others when making decisions. Responsibility reminds us to weigh the consequences of our choices on both individuals and communities.
In essence, responsibility and choice are intertwined aspects of human existence. How we navigate this relationship shapes not only our individual lives but also the societies we inhabit. Embracing responsibility empowers us to make choices aligned with our values and aspirations, ultimately contributing to personal fulfillment and collective well-being.

Which statement best answers the question according to the text:

How does responsibility guide our choices according to the text?


Which quote from the text would be best to use as evidence for the question:

What is the significance of recognizing the impact of our choices on others in relation to responsibility and choice?


What does PIE stand for?

Possible Frames:
  • PIE stands for ___, ___, and ____.
  • ___, ____, and ____ creates PIE.


What should decisions be made without according to the text?


What should be done in case of mistakes according to the text?

Possible Frames:
  • According to the text, mistakes _____.
  • In case of mistakes, you should ___.


Individually or with a partner, think of issues in our community that might be unfair and think of ways to bring awareness and/or solutions to the issue.


What are some ways to show caring?

Possible Frames:
  • Some ways to be caring are ____ and ____.
  • ____ and ____ are ways to show that you care.

Read the article from Time to answer the questions

What is the main conclusion drawn by the researchers regarding the relationship between helping others and longevity?


Why do you think that is the case?

Possible Frames:
  • I believe (answer from previous question) is because ______.
  • (Answer from previous question) because _____.


Which of the 6 pillars will you focus on improving today?