Copy of Las preposiciones de Lugar (4/6/2024)

By Paola Munnell
Last updated 11 months ago
15 Questions


  • I can recognize what a preposition is.
  • I can correctly use prepositions in Spanish.
To talk about the position or the relation of one object to another we use prepositions.

The bag is under the desk.

Here we are shoing the position of the bag in relation to the desk.

The word under is a preposition in English.

What other prepositions do you know in English?

Write here some prepositions in English:

In English you use the verb TO BE with prepositions to talk about the location of an object (relation of an object to other objects)

In Spanish we use the verb ESTAR with prepositions to do the same.

Do you remember how to conjugate the verb estar in the present tense?

How do you conjugate the verbs estar?

write here the conjugation of the verb estar.

yo =
tú =
él, ella, usted =
nosotr@s =
ell@s, ustedes =

Here are some examples of prepositions in Spanish.

Now you do it!!!!

¿Dónde está la profesora? (usa entre)

¿Dónde está Patricia? (usa detrás de)

¿Dónde está el mapa? (debajo de)

¿Dónde está Carlos? (usa delante de)

¿Dónde está Pedro? (usa lejos)

¿Dónde están los libros? (encima de)

¿Dónde están los libros? (sobre)

¿Dónde está Patricia? (usa a la derecha de)

¿Dónde está Carlos? (usa a la izquierda de)

¿Dónde está la profesora? (usa al lado de)

Ahora en el salón de clase:

Questions 13, 14 & 15

Write 3 sentences using prepositions to say where you and/or classmates/classroom items and/or furniture is located