Grade 11 Lesson: Civic Engagement

By Newsela Staff
Last updated 6 months ago
10 Questions
Note from the author:
In this lesson, you will explain how people can be civically engaged.

Essential Question: What is civic engagement, and how can I get involved?
In this lesson, you will explain how people can be civically engaged.

Essential Question: What is civic engagement, and how can I get involved?

Read the compelling question and provide your initial responses.


You have to be able to vote in order to be civically engaged.


Which of the following is a historical example of civic engagement?

Read the article about civic engagement and then respond to the following questions.

Civic engagement can include paid and unpaid forms of political participation.


According to the source, why should youth be civically engaged? Do you agree or disagree with their stance? Explain.

With a partner, discuss issues that are affecting your school or community. Then, determine which problems you think your class could best respond to.