Grade 10 Science Starter Lesson: Carbon Cycle

By Newsela Staff
Last updated 6 months ago
7 Questions
Note from the author:
In this lesson, you will learn about the carbon cycle, identify sinks and sources, and determine how humans can affect it in both positive and negative ways.

Essential Question: How has the carbon cycle been affected by human activity?
In this lesson, you will learn about the carbon cycle, identify sinks and sources, and determine how humans can affect it in both positive and negative ways.

Essential Question: How has the carbon cycle been affected by human activity?

Which of the following best describes the carbon cycle as a whole?

Determine whether each is a carbon sink or a carbon source.

  • plants
  • burning fossil fuels
  • soil
  • ocean
  • raising cattle
  • Sink
  • Source
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Option 2:
  • What caused the carbon cycle imbalance?
  • What can we do to restore equilibrium?
  • What do you think is the best step forward?