Grade 11 Science Starter Lesson: Engineering Design Process

By Newsela Staff
Last updated 6 months ago
6 Questions
Note from the author:
In this lesson, you will explore the engineering design process and determine when it is used.

Essential Question: What is the engineering design process?
In this lesson, you will explore the engineering design process and determine when it is used.

Essential Question: What is the engineering design process?

According to the engineering design process, place each step in the correct order.

  1. Communicate your solution to others.
  2. Define and analyze a problem.
  3. Design a solution by breaking down the problem into manageable pieces.
  4. Test and improve solutions and evaluate best fit based on effectiveness, constraints, and feedback.

Engineers have powerful jobs and can design technology that can help or harm the world. Even useful technology can have negative consequences. Which of these is a negative effect associated with potential new technology?

Consider the image. How would you best define the problem the engineer is trying to solve?

The scientific method, while it shares some similarities with the engineering design process, is not the same thing. Review this infographic to compare the steps of the scientific method with the engineering design process.

Option 2:

Compare and contrast the engineering design process and the scientific method.