Grade 6 Starter Lesson: Classmate Interview

By Newsela Staff
Last updated 6 months ago
8 Questions
Note from the author:
In this lesson, you will learn about the qualities of an effective interview and interview a classmate.

Essential Question: What makes a strong interview?
In this lesson, you will learn about the qualities of an effective interview and interview a classmate.

Essential Question: What makes a strong interview?

When you hear the word interview, what do you think of?


What is a question YOU would like to be asked in an interview? Why?

The first piece of the interview is to introduce yourself and your interviewee.

Complete the following sentence:
My name is _______, and today I am going to interview my classmate, _______.

What questions will you ask this classmate? Plan to ask at least 5 questions. Remember to avoid yes/no questions!


What are some possible follow-up questions you can ask during the interview? Plan to ask at least 3 follow-up questions.