Grade 5 Starter Lesson: Acrostic Poem

By Newsela Staff
Last updated 6 months ago
8 Questions
Note from the author:
In this lesson, you will learn all about poetry and write a poem of your own!

Essentuial Question: What is an acrostic poem, and how is one written?
In this lesson, you will learn all about poetry and write a poem of your own!

Compelling Question: What is an acrostic poem, and how is one written?

How would you describe yourself? Think of your personality, appearance, likes, and dislikes!


Match each part of a poem to its definition.

The name of a poem
Lets the reader know what the poem is about
A single line in a poem
A group of lines in a poem separated by a space
Complete the following sentence:

The title of the poem I am writing is called _______

Draft your acrostic poem:

Write out your name, and then think of words that start with each letter of your name that describe you.