IM: 7.3.4: Applying Circumference (Lesson)
By Newsela Staff
Last updated 6 days ago
10 Questions
4.1: What Do We Know? What Can We Estimate?
Here are some pictures of circular objects, with measurement tools shown. The measurement tool on each picture reads as follows:
- Wagon wheel: 3 feet
- Plane propeller: 24 inches
- Sliced Orange: 20 centimeters
4.2: Using π
4.3: Around the Running Track
The field inside a running track is made up of a rectangle that is 84.39 m long and 73 m wide, together with a half-circle at each end.
4.4: Measuring a Picture Frame
Kiran bent some wire around a rectangle to make a picture frame. The rectangle is 8 inches by 10 inches.