IM: 7.4.2: Ratios and Rates With Fractions (Lesson)
By Newsela Staff
Last updated 6 days ago
11 Questions
2.1: Number Talk: Division
Find each quotient mentally.
2.2: A Train is Traveling at . . .
A train is traveling at a constant speed and goes 7.5 kilometers in 6 minutes. At that rate:
2.3: Comparing Running Speeds
Lin ran 23/4 miles in 2/5 of an hour. Noah ran 82/3 miles in 4/3 of an hour.
Questions to consider:
- Who ran faster, Noah or Lin?
- How far would Lin run in 1 hour?
- How far did Noah run in 1 hour?
- How long would it take Lin to run 1 mile at that rate?
- How long would it take Noah to run 1 mile at that rate?
2.4: Scaling the Mona Lisa
In real life, the Mona Lisa measures 2\frac{1}{2} feet by 1\frac{3}{4} feet. A company that makes office supplies wants to print a scaled copy of the Mona Lisa on the cover of a notebook that measures 11 inches by 9 inches.
The applet is here to help you experiment with the situation. (It won't solve the problems for you.) Use the sliders to scale the image and drag the red circle to place it on the book. Measure the side lengths with the Distance or Length tool.
[Scroll to the tool under "2.4: Scaling the Mona Lisa"]