IM: 7.5.11: Dividing Rational Numbers (Practice)

By Newsela Staff
Last updated 6 days ago
19 Questions
Find the quotients:




Find the quotients:





Is the solution positive or negative?

2\cdot x=6

-2\cdot x=6.1

2.9\cdot x = -6.04

-2.473\cdot x=-6.859

Find the solution:



-12\cdot c=12


In order to make a specific shade of green paint, a painter mixes 1\frac{1}{2} quarts of blue paint, 2 cups of green paint, and \frac{1}{2} gallon of white paint. How much of each color is needed to make 100 cups of this shade of green paint?

Here is a list of the highest and lowest elevation on each continent.

Which continent has the largest difference in elevation?

Which continent has the smallest difference in elevation?

Make a display (dot plot, box plot, or histogram) of the data set and explain why you chose that type of display to represent this data set.