Guide - Health and Fitness

By Beulah Temple
Last updated over 4 years ago
1 Question
Friends Requirements
Learn the value of good nutrition and water by discussing and/or participating in the activities listed below: · The Choose My Plate Dietary guidelines · The daily servings for each food group · The importance of a balanced diet · The importance of drinking a healthy amount of water (these are requirements #1 and #6 of the Nutrition honor).

Build a healthy plate by following the current dietary guidelines.

Why is eating a balanced diet important?

How many cups of water should I drink per day?

Why is drinking a healthy amount of water important?

Red Alert Honor

Companion Requirement
Memorize and sign the Temperance Pledge.
Temperance Pledge: “Realizing the importance of healthy body and mind, I promise, with the help of God, to live a Christian life of true temperance in all things and to abstain from the use of tobacco, alcohol, or any other narcotic.

Memorize two of the following Bible texts:
• Romans 12:1, 2
• 1 Corinthians 10:31
• Proverbs 20:1
• 3 John 1:2
• Galatians 5:22, 23
• 1 Corinthians 6:19, 20

Discuss all the following situations and role-play one:
• Your best friend asks you to try a cigarette
• An older relative offers you a drink of beer
• The smoke from a stranger’s cigarette is bothering you.