Blind Formative: Chapter Seven: Great Gatsby
By Lisa Fichthorn-Scumpieru
Last updated almost 7 years ago
7 Questions
Note from the author:
Contest: This is a Blind Formative for Chapter Seven of "The Great Gatsby". This engages students to see a glimpse into the chapter before reading a long chapter without any interest. This formative is designed to spark interest.
Let Me In!: Watch the video below. Think about the tone of the piece and what
the illustrator is trying to accomplish through the sequence of events. What's
the message?
5 points
Question 1
Daisy says, "Do you always watch for the longest day of the year and miss it? I
always watch for the longest day in the year and then miss it." What proves
Daisy's statement is ironic? Summarize what you know from previous chapters.
Daisy says, "Do you always watch for the longest day of the year and miss it? I
always watch for the longest day in the year and then miss it." What proves
Daisy's statement is ironic? Summarize what you know from previous chapters.
5 points
Question 2
Nick observes, "Afterward [Gatsby] kept looking at the child with surprise. I
don't think he had ever really believed in its existence before." What is Gatsby
thinking as he stares at Pammy?
Nick observes, "Afterward [Gatsby] kept looking at the child with surprise. I
don't think he had ever really believed in its existence before." What is Gatsby
thinking as he stares at Pammy?
5 points
Question 3
Fitzgerald writes, "There is no confusion like the confusion of a simple mind,
and as we drove away Tom was feeling the hot whips of panic. His wife and his
mistress, until an hour ago secure and inviolate, were slipping precipitately
from his control." What is Nick observing about Tom in this quote?
Fitzgerald writes, "There is no confusion like the confusion of a simple mind,
and as we drove away Tom was feeling the hot whips of panic. His wife and his
mistress, until an hour ago secure and inviolate, were slipping precipitately
from his control." What is Nick observing about Tom in this quote?
5 points
Question 4
Fitzgerald writes, "But with every word she was drawing further and further into
herself, so [Gatsby] gave that up, and only the dead dream fought on as the
afternoon slipped away, trying to touch what was no longer tangible, struggling
unhappily, undespairingly, toward that lost voice across the room." What is
happening to Gatsby's American Dream?
Fitzgerald writes, "But with every word she was drawing further and further into
herself, so [Gatsby] gave that up, and only the dead dream fought on as the
afternoon slipped away, trying to touch what was no longer tangible, struggling
unhappily, undespairingly, toward that lost voice across the room." What is
happening to Gatsby's American Dream?
5 points
Question 5
Does this show Daisy and Tom's true intimacy? Why or why not?
Fitzgerald writes, "He was talking intently across the table at her, and in his
earnestness, his hand had fallen upon and covered her own..."
"They weren't happy...and yet they weren't unhappy either. There was an
unmistakable air of natural intimacy about the picture, and anybody would have
said that they were conspiring together." (145)
Does this show Daisy and Tom's true intimacy? Why or why not?
Fitzgerald writes, "He was talking intently across the table at her, and in his
earnestness, his hand had fallen upon and covered her own..."
"They weren't happy...and yet they weren't unhappy either. There was an
unmistakable air of natural intimacy about the picture, and anybody would have
said that they were conspiring together." (145)
5 points
Question 6
From these five quotes, what will happen in Chapter seven? Make an educated
prediction of what will happen. Find pictures of the characters or write their
names and make emojis next to them to show how they feel in this chapter based
off of the five quotes.
From these five quotes, what will happen in Chapter seven? Make an educated
prediction of what will happen. Find pictures of the characters or write their
names and make emojis next to them to show how they feel in this chapter based
off of the five quotes.
10 points
Question 7
After you read the chapter, go back to this question and think about it as you
read: Which quote best encompasses the tone of the chapter? Explain the tone
that is being captured.
After you read the chapter, go back to this question and think about it as you
read: Which quote best encompasses the tone of the chapter? Explain the tone
that is being captured.