Unit 1 Mid Assessment

By Loren Smith-Roberts
Last updated over 6 years ago
8 Questions
Note from the author:
Resources were copied from openupresources.org

Which parallelogram has an area of 60 square units?

Select all the triangles that have an area of 30 square units.

Select all the parallelograms that have an area of 16 square units.

On each triangle, draw a segment to represent the height that corresponds to the given base. Label each height with the word “height.”

Draw two distinct parallelograms, both with areas of 18 square units. The two parallelograms should not be identical copies of each other.

Find the area of the given figure. Explain your reasoning.

The figure is a diagram of a wall. Lengths are given in feet.

The figure is a diagram of a wall. Lengths are given in feet.