Fun With Topographical Maps!

By Christopher Grigg
Last updated over 2 years ago
14 Questions
Use this map if you don't have your own for questions 1 and 2. Your map should be similar.

If each contour line in the landform model above represents 25 meters, what is the contour interval for the topographical map?

If each contour line in the landform model above represents 25 meters, what is an estimated height of the top of the hill?

Use these topographical maps for questions 3, 4, 5.

Compare the following diagrams that were drawn with the same contour interval and scale. a. Which one shows a fairly flat area?

Compare the following diagrams that were drawn with the same contour interval and scale. b. Which one shows a hill or valley with a gentle slope?

Compare the following diagrams that were drawn with the same contour interval and scale. c. Which one shows a steep hillside?

Use this topographical map for questions 6, 7, 8.

Look at the diagram above and answer the following questions: a. what kind of landform is this?

Look at the diagram above and answer the following questions: b. Which of the locations marked on the map is the steepest?

Look at the diagram above and answer the following questions: c. Which of the locations marked on the map is the flattest?

Use this topographical map for questions 9-14

Topographic map 1 matches which landform?

Topographic map 2 matches which landform?

Topographic map 3 matches which landform?

Topographic map 4 matches which landform?

Topographic map 5 matches which landform?

Topographic map 6 matches which landform?