The Man Who Walked Between the Towers

By Stephanie Jierski
Last updated over 6 years ago
13 Questions

Monday: You are invited to notice all of the things about what makes this sentence a good mentor sentence. It could be use of exciting words, descriptions, figurative language, vivid verbs, grammar usage and much more! There is no limit to what you might find.

Many winds whirled up from between the towers, and he swayed with them.

Tuesday: Type the part of speech for the word many.

Type the part of speech for the word winds.

Type the part of speech for the word whirled.

Type the part of speech for the word up.

Type the part of speech for the word towers.

Type the part of speech for the word he.

Type the part of speech for the word swayed.

Type the part of speech for the word them.

Wednesday: Type a new word to replace the adjective many.

Type a new word to replace the verb whirled.

Retype the sentence with your new words and add an adjective and adverb to make it more descriptive.

Thursday: ImitateUse the structure of the sentence to create a brand-new mentor sentence that no one has ever seen before. Try to use the author's style, but with your own words! ex. If it is a simple sentence, make another simple sentence.

Many winds whirled up from between the towers, and he swayed with them.