Adjective/Adverb Quiz

Last updated almost 7 years ago
10 Questions
Note from the author:
Adjective and Adverb Quiz

What is an adjective?

What is an adverb?

Choose the correct adjective/adverb sequence for the following sentences.
a.) I stayed home from school because when I woke up this morning I felt (bad/badly).
b.) I did (good/well) on my science test.
c.) I answered the questions as (honest/honestly) as I could.

See if you can use "good" and "well" correctly in the following sentences by choosing the correct words in correct sequence.
a.) I am ______________.
b.) Dinner was really ____________.
c.) They are ____________ baseball players.
d.) You play really ___________.

Which choice is the adverb that correctly completes the following sentence?
I am very fond of Miss Jenkins; she teaches very _________________.

Which word(s) is the adverb in the following sentence?

She picked up the sweet baby very carefully.

Which word(s) in the following sentence is an adjective?

After a long afternoon at practice, I am tired, hungry, and dirty.

What is the adjective in the following sentence?

The pretty girl brushed her hair before she went to bed.

What is the adverb in the following sentence?

He slowly walked towards the elevator on his floor.

What is the adverb in the following sentence?

Jimmy sadly walked away after having lost a tough game of baseball.