Animal Behavior Worksheet - Resource Chapter 27 ppts

By Kathy Egbert
Last updated over 5 years ago
50 Questions
Note from the author:
Ottawa High School Curriculum 2019 Biology textbook McDougal Littell ed 2008

Question #1a - use the words from the word bank to complete these questions.

Question #1b - use the words from the word bank to complete these questions.

Question #2a - use the words from the word bank to complete these questions.

Question #2b - use the words from the word bank to complete these questions.

Question #3a - use the words from the word bank to complete these questions.

Question #3b - use the words from the word bank to complete these questions.

Question #4. An animal might sun itself to keep its body temperature optimal or lie in the shade to cool off. Both behaviors would help to maintain homeostatis for the organism.

Question #5. Use the words in the word bank to answer this question.

Question #5. Use the words in the word bank to answer this question.

Question #6. Use the words in the word bank to answer this question.

Question #7. Use the words in the word bank to answer this question.

Question 8. A circadian rhythm is a daily cycle of activity over a 24 hour period.

Question 9. Hibernation is a dormant state that animals enter to avoid severe environmental conditions that limit availability of food and hampers survival.

Question 10: Migration occurs when animals move from one location to another to increase availability of food and environmental conditions conducive to homeostatis for the organism.

Definition for innate:

Why are innate behaviors important, escpecially to newborns?

Many innate behaviors are triggered by a

Fixed Action implies behavior that once started it will continue until completed. An example is swallowing.

Automatic response is one that is carried out by the nevous system through simple unconscious relfexes. An example is a heart beating.

Instincts are complex sets of multi-steped actions that are relatively inflexible and are performed correctly the first time. An example is a baby knowing how to nurse.

Habituation is a rapid and irreversible learning process that occurs at a critical development period.

Don't let me trick you. This is the definition for imprinting.

Imprinting occurs when an animal learns to ignore a repetitive stimulus.

Don't let me trick you. This is the definition for habituation

Imitation is when learning occurs by observing the behavior of others.

Associative Learning is a specific action associated with a consequence. There are 3 different types.

Classical conditioning is a process in which the likelihood of a specific behavior is increased or decreased by positive or negative reinformcement. An example would be giving an animal food to get them to perform a specific action.

Don't let me trick you. This is operant conditioning.

Operant conditioning is when an animal learns to associate a previously neutral stimulus with a behavior that was once triggerd by a different stimulus. An example is starting to clean up at the end of class even if the bell does not ring.

Don't let me trick you. This is classical conditioning.

Question 10a. What is the most important benefits of behavior?

Question 10b. What is the second most important benefit of behavior for organisms?

Question 11a. Behavioral costs can be divided into three categories. First is ___________________cost.

Question 11b. Behavioral costs can be divided into three categories. Second is _____________________costs.

Question 11c. Behaviorial costs can be divided into three categories. The third one is _____________ costs/

Question #12. Territoriality is when an animal controls a specific area for food and nesting/mating.






Question 13:_________________are chemicals produced by organisms to communicate information to individuals of the same species.



Question #14. The theory of optimal foraging states that natural selection favors behaviors that get animals the most calories for the cost involved in getting the food.

The main benefit is that energy is conserved and gained from food without little outlay of energy.

One cost is if it takes too much energy to search for food, it can cause the animal to die or become weak prior to locating food.

One cost is the the organism increases the risk of capture or harm from a predator.

Another cost is time spent searching for enough food. This limits time available for other activities like mating or rearing young.

Question #15._____________is an adaptation that helps animals to hide by blending into their surroundings.

Question #16: Describe at least three other types of defensive mechanisms that organisms have evolved to escape predation.

Be sure to give 3 different defensive mechanisms