States of Matter Formative

By David Kwan
Last updated almost 7 years ago
20 Questions
Note from the author:
This Formative is by: Traci Smith

Below is a heating curve for a substance over time. Connect the 3 states of matter to the diagram where where they would exist.

On the heating curve in #1, what is happening at point B?

On the heating curve in question #1, what is happening at point D?

Draw the particles as they would appear in each state of matter

Type the name for each change of state next to the letter that represents this change on the diagram below

Condensation is the opposite of freezing

Substances are usually the most dense when they are in the solid state.

In order to float in water, a substance must be less dense than the water

Substances will expand when they change from gas to a liquid.

The freezing point and melting point of a substance are the same temperature.

Complete the missing words in the table below

Two examples of vaporization are

Which of the following statements are true about plasmas

Which of the following is NOT true?As thermal energy is added to a substance...

What happens to the temperature of a substance when it is changing state?

Which 2 states of matter have a definite volume?

How are liquids and gases similar?

Which state of matter is most like a plasma?

If a substance has a melting point of -157 degrees Celsius and a boiling point of -25 degrees Celsius, what state of matter will it be in at room temperature (21 degrees C)?

Matter is...