Cell Signaling Part 2 Concept Review

By John Lundy
Last updated over 6 years ago
10 Questions
Note from the author:
An assignment to ensure understanding of cell signaling pathways and the targets they effect.
Figure 9.17 Autoinducers are small molecules or proteins produced by bacteria that regulate gene expression.
Figure 9.18 Cell-cell communication enables these (a) Staphylococcus aureus bacteria to work together to
form a biofilm inside a hospital patient’s catheter, seen here via scanning electron microscopy. S. aureus is the
main cause of hospital-acquired infections. (b) Hawaiian bobtail squid have a symbiotic relationship with the
bioluminescent bacteria Vibrio fischeri. The luminescence makes it difficult to see the squid from below because it
effectively eliminates its shadow. In return for camouflage, the squid provides food for the bacteria. Free-living V.
fischeri do not produce luciferase, the enzyme responsible for luminescence, but V. fischeri living in a symbiotic
relationship with the squid do. Quorum sensing determines whether the bacteria should produce the luciferase
enzyme. (credit a: modifications of work by CDC/Janice Carr; credit b: modifications of work by Cliff1066/Flickr)

Apoptosis can occur in a cell when the cell is

What is the effect of an inhibitor binding an enzyme?

Which type of molecule acts as a signaling molecule
in yeasts?

Quorum sensing is triggered to begin when