The Civil War

By Kelli Hammond
Last updated over 4 years ago
25 Questions

Which states made up the Confederacy?

What was the capital of the Confederacy?

Missouri was a Confederate state.

Which two states entered the Union during the Civil War?

How many people died in the Civil War?

How many slaves were freed?

Which political party was seen as pro-Southern and pro-slavery?

What triggered the succession crisis?

When and where were the first shots of the Civil War fired?

How many troops did the Northern States have?

Describe Scott's Great Snake.

Which two significant battles did the South fight in the North?

When did the South surrender?

What did women do during the war?

How did both sides use technology?

When were the slaves freed?

How did the casualties of the Civil War compare to American deaths in other wars?

How do the views of the Civil War differed between Notherners and Southerners?

During which war did American suffer the most casualties?

Which of the above wars were NOT fought on American soil?

Looking at the above chart, what can you tell about the disparity of resources between the Northern states and the Southern states?

What was Civil War battle had the most casualties

How many Union states were there? How many Confederate?

Which side had vastly more soldiers than the other?

In which year did both sides have the most men in their armies?